The Language That Says “You’re Admired”

The Language That Says “You’re Admired”

How Do I Identity This Person? Common Needs Need To Belong Need To Be Powerful Need To Be Known Needs control; needs social interactionfor the purpose of motivating others toward their goals; needs to be followed by others; needs to make decisions based on facts; needs achievement and accomplishment; needs constant recognition for their achievements…

To Have, You Must Accept Having Nothing

To Have, You Must Accept Having Nothing

Afflictions, grief, poverty, and lack is generally considered as undesireable and often unfair. Times of unhappiness, melancholy, hardship, and need can weigh heavily on a wearied soul. This can promote the sympathy, condolences, pity, or indifference of others. But how different from God’s design for His children. it was through suffering that the Lord Jesus…