The 5 Life Languages ® | Communication – Part 2

The 5 Life Languages ® | Communication – Part 2

The Communication Process A message or communication is sent by the sender through a communication channel to a receiver, or to multiple receivers. The sender must encode the message (the information being conveyed) into a form that is appropriate to the communication channel, and the receiver(s) then decodes the message to understand its meaning and…

The Sanguine Temperament Is Known For Its High Highs and Its Low Lows

The Sanguine Temperament Is Known For Its High Highs and Its Low Lows

FOURTH IN A SERIES OF SIX BLOG POSTINGS What Characteristics Make A Person With The Sanguine Temperament Unique? Hippocrates identified the Sanguine by the color red, or “blood”, which fits them perfectly. The Sanguine temperament in Inclusion (social interaction, surface relationships and intellectual energies) is a very social person who likes to be with people. Of all…



By guest authorKAYLA WRIGHTLicensed Christian CounselorSpecialist in Child & Adolescent TherapyLife Training Christian Counseling Self-reflection is not something naturally occurring in humans. It is difficult when we are living in our flesh to want to seek growth and admit our faults. In fact, there is a counterfeit “self-reflection” that often occurs called “self-condemnation”. Instead of…

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries

By guest authorKAYLA WRIGHTLicensed Christian CounselorSpecialist in Child & Adolescent TherapyLife Training Christian Counseling Boundaries can be a beautiful relationship tool when applied appropriately. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals today either have so little boundaries they’re walked all over, or so many boundaries they have walled themselves off from everyone. Both of these extremes create…

Forgiveness In Reconciliation

Forgiveness In Reconciliation

KAYLA WRIGHTLicensed Christian CounselorSpecialist in Child & Adolescent TherapyLife Training Christian Counseling There’s a common misconception that forgiveness and reconciliation are interchangeable in application. Somewhere we’ve missed the idea that forgiveness can, and often must, include boundaries. This is important, because many times we are hurt by an individual who will never acknowledge their actions…