Man and woman standing at boundary line

Codependence Is Identity Dependence – Part 5


The 21st Century Codependent

Author Melody Beattie, in her book The New Codependency, provides another meaningful glimpse into how codependency has adapted to an ever-changing world:

Although second, third, and forth generation codependents have many traits in common, and not all new codependents have been coddled (many are still horribly abused), the new codependents are a different breed from the classic ones.  The new codependency has changed too.

Since codependent behaviors have mainstreamed into the culture, many people have learned to be codependent under the radar.  They understand that certain behaviors aren’t appropriate or therapeutically correct, so they hide what they are doing.  It’s easy to disguise obsessing now.  People don’t have to sit at home staring at the phone, waiting for him to call like codependents used to do.  Instead of detaching, the new codependents leave the house, bringing their cell phones and obsessions with them.  It’s also easier now to mask the anxiety, grief, and depression that accompany codependency by taking medications that weren’t around when codependency recovery began.  While using medication is a personal choice, it’s important to not take prescriptions to endure miserable situations or lose touch with who we are and what we need.

Codependency survival behaviors, and the need to change them, hasn’t disappeared.  Ideas recycle every twenty, thirty, or hundred years.  Codependency recovery is coming around again, stronger than ever before.  Young people are flooding meetings, groups, and counseling offices like never before. They’re learning to take care of themselves, not just other people.

Melody Beattie in The New Codependency

Characterstics of the New Codependent


The inability to say “no” as a means to keep those around them happy, is a common sign of today’s codependency.  The few times they’ve stood up for themselves, they feel bad or guilty about it.  They’re afraid of conflict, so they avoid direct confrontation, doing everything to smooth things over, even if it’s obvious there is an “elephant in the room.”

Being a “Fixer”

While wanting to help a friend or loved one is not a bad thing, excessively needing to fix people is a different story.  The codependent is always jumping in to give solutions, even when they’re not asked.  They believe it’s their duty to clean up someone else’s mess, such as compensating for their shortcomings, covering their financial obligations, or making excuses for them.  They become so fixated on everyone else, they forget to take care of themselves.  Then when they halfheartedly ask for solutions, they either sabotage them or claim, “I’ve tried that, and it didn’t work.  I’m beginning to think nothing can be done.” 

Minimizing Their Own Needs

While deep-set habits and behaviors are best dealt with through the help of a professional, some initial steps can include asking themselves, “What is it about my own needs that I might be running away from?”  Dr. Neo states: “We procrastinate on things that matter, out of fear of doing them wrong.  So, projects, issues, and goals that are the most personally meaningful might be the very ones we run away from. When something strikes a deep chord with us, it’s possibly the last thing we want to sit down and honestly face.  So, we distract ourselves with the needs of others.”

Being Defined by Their Job or A Relationship

Often when a codependent’s job or meaningful relationship is taken away, they tend to feel a substantial loss of self-worth.  Codependents often deny this with statements such as: “I cannot help that it/they mean so much to me.  I’m must just be too caring and dedicated.”  They use this as an excuse why they get exhausted from dealing with these very things, while at the same time justifying, in their own minds, why they cannot stay away from them.

This characteristic is driven by the desire to feel wanted and needed, in hopes of proving they’re a good person, worthy of love and acceptance.  This individual is not able to feel worthy of love by just being themselves.  They believe they must be “externally defined,” which inevitably leads to the development of a fear of abandonment (removal of love and acceptance).

Man and woman standing at boundary line

Lack of Boundaries

Within the issue of people-pleasing lies boundless behaviors and relationships.  These can be toxic if they go unchecked.  The codependent fears that if they don’t do these things, the person will leave them, which will mean they are less of a person.  This causes even well-intentioned boundaries to erode.  When a person is codependent and someone tramples on their boundaries, they tend to make excuses for them. This tells the other person their boundaries can be lowered, which systematically gives toxic people a “free pass” to hurt them.

Obsessing Over A Relationship

Another sign of codependency is obsessing about and wanting to control a meaningful relationship.  Because the relationship is the primary way that someone who is codependent identifies their worthiness and lovable-ness, they spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about that relationship.  They wish their partner would do this or that and may even resent their partner for not fulfilling their fantasy of the perfect relationship.


Soul health and spiritual maturity cannot be separated.  Our counselors are ordained Christian ministers as well as certified and licensed Christian counselors.  We are able to help you experience freedom from shame, anxietydepression, or marriage / relationship conflict with methods that are purely Christ-centered.  Please click on this link to learn much more about how our CHRISTIAN COUNSELING can help you become a more authentic follower of Christ, and help you find freedom from identity dependence.

Life Training offers convenient sessions at office in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as online counseling via Zoom or FaceTime.  Our non-profit counseling practice has had an outstanding track record from over a decade helping men and women, individuals and couples who are ready to move beyond anxietydepression, and conflicts in marriage or other relationships find hope and healing in their lives.  Contact us today at 502-717-5433, or by email at 

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