Mega Tree
Before I was a Christian counselor for teens, I worked in a Christian outdoor adventure camp as a camp counselor. This presented me with the opportunity to try many new things: zip lining, rappel walls, and leaping from trees to try to catch a trapeze, to name a few. At the beginning of my time there, I was determined to try all of the challenges, as how can I expect my campers to try things I’m not willing to? All of the aforementioned activities were exhilarating, but I grew to find comfort in the tug of the belay rope. That tug gave me comfort because I knew when I jumped or if I fell, that rope was going to catch me.
The “Mega Tree” was a different feat
This tree held a 40 foot high platform with a bungee cord belay system at the top, that lowered you down slowly and safely to the ground after you jumped off. The comfort from the tension of the belay rope didn’t exist on the “Mega Tree” jump. I was surprised to find my legs wouldn’t move. My survival instincts were screaming at me to climb back down. My fear was only compounded when my friend told me not to jump out too far or I could swing out and hit the tree… What? I can proudly say I did jump off the platform, although the video looks like I basically fell off. My fear ultimately did not hold me back from doing something out of my comfort zone.
““Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”
Matthew 14:29 NIV
A type of stepping out of the boat
When I think of the “Mega Tree,” I can’t help but think of Peter stepping out of the boat. I wonder if Jesus’ presence felt like the belay rope holding him up so he could confidently walk to Him. I wonder if when he looked at the storm, it felt like that belay rope was detached and he felt vulnerable, causing him to sink. I have seen these principles play out often in my faith walk. In the moments when I have my eyes on Christ and I’m spending daily time with Him, I feel His comfort in the midst of my difficult decisions. Other times, though, when I’m disconnected from God, I find myself struggling with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness when I need to move in action.
““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 NIV
Jesus knows he is the lifeline for believers, as he shares in John 15. Being connected to Christ ensures that even in the moments when we don’t feel His security, like on the “Mega Tree,” we can confidently step out knowing he will help us reach our destination. In Him we bear fruit! So how can we build our confidence in Christ?
Know His Promises!
“Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”
2 Corinthians;3:4-5 NIV
God is not calling us to spaces where He isn’t moving. He is consistently working to fulfill the new work He is doing in you through the Holy Spirit! Cling to the knowledge that “in Christ, the new creation has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17a NIV).
Know His People!
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
Making the literal leaps of faith at camp were made increasingly easier when I could hear shouts of encouragement from my fellow counselors. Fill your inner circle with people who lift you up and point you back to Christ! The extra support will add to your potential successes.
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