Perfectly imperfect

3 False Beliefs That Contribute to Depression

From a Christ-centered, Bible-based perspective, there is such a thing as absolute truth. Today’s world tries hard to convince us that “truth” is relative, and each individual has the right to choose their own version of truth.

I half-way agree with that. I agree with the part that each individual has the right to choose what they believe is true versus not true. The part I strongly disagree with is the false belief that because a person doesn’t ascribe to something that is absolutely true, then it is no longer true. That presents a very slippery slope. And the world today is living proof of what happens when a society collectively turns from the absolutes that very society was built upon.

What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV

We must be careful what we believe to be true

Without the solid, unchanging foundation of God and His truth to cling to, there is no stability to be found in life on this planet. Winston Churchill once said, “the man who stands on nothing will fall for anything.” Anything. Even if that means falling for lies about who you are, and who or what has the power to define your worth and value.

Here are what I believe are three of the most common, yet detrimental, beliefs that I’ve seen to have a major role in a person’s struggles with depression. Collectively they erode your identity (who you are), worth (are your enough?), and value (are you accepted?).

I’m Not Enough

Depression has been defined by some as “anger turned inward on ourselves.” That anger is a means of punishing yourself for your imperfection and what you perceive in your mind to be “failure.” This leads to the false message that you’re “not enough.” Not good enough. Not smart enough. Not man enough. Not pretty enough. Just not enough. Period.

All That Others See Are My Imperfections

Depression often has it’s roots in the false belief that others perceive you in the same ways you see yourself. Worthless. Rejected. Inadequate> Failure. Inept. Not competent. Surely others see you the same way you see. yourself, right? Even if they don’t, they surely would if they really knew you. With that truth in mind (which is far from true), and the help of godly counsel, you must believe people see you in judgmental ways. How else can you’r false beliefs about yourself be validated?

Those Who Fail Are Unworthy of Love

To add fuel to the fire — to add further self-inflicted emotional deprecation to an ealready depressed heart — you now come to the conclusion that you are a failure, unworthy of love, and deserved all of the negativity you’ve experienced in your life. From there, it all begins to seem pretty hopeless. Depression ensues.

The only remedy for the false beliefs that lead to shame and depression is the truth of God’s word and the unconditional, undeserved, unending love of Jesus Christ. I invite you to see Him today.

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