Are You Looking To Your Faith To Help Heal Your Marriage?
Do you want to repair your marriage and develop a deeper, more meaningful connection with your partner? Are you searching the Bible for guidance and having trouble understanding how to apply or even locate that wisdom? Have you tried working together to overcome your relationship issues only to have conversations explode into anger, criticism, and arguments?
Perhaps you feel lonely, rejected, or resentful because your spouse doesn’t value your thoughts and feelings. Or maybe an act of infidelity or other betrayal has created a lot of intense, mixed emotions that challenge your ability to have faith in your spouse, love, or even God.
Marriage problems manifest in many different ways. For instance, a lack of emotional intimacy or passion may be causing you to feel as though you are stuck in an unhappy marriage with no way to rekindle the spark it once had. Or one of you may be bearing most of the responsibilities in your family, creating frustration or resentment that you don’t know how to address peacefully. Conversely, you or your spouse may be spending so much time working or traveling that one of you—and perhaps your children as well—feel abandoned or unappreciated.
Fortunately, whether you’re having relationship problems, going through a separation, or considering divorce, there is a way to heal and move forward together. With our unique Bible-informed, faith-based approach to marriage counseling, we can help you heal old wounds, learn how to understand each other more fully, and deepen the spiritual and emotional connection between the two of you.
Many Couples Face Challenges Along The Way Despite Their Faith
If you and your spouse are struggling to reconnect or restore your marriage, you are not alone. As relationships mature, many couples find themselves confronted with a variety of challenges. For instance, if you grew up in a household where feelings were repressed, you may find yourself running into communication issues in your own marriage. Or if you were raised in an environment in which one parent called all the shots, you may have differences in expectations for power-sharing and decision-making.
Social media and the entertainment industry also play a significant role in many marriage problems because many of us are tempted to compare our lives and relationships to those of other people. Even within the faith-based community, it’s easy to fall into the trap of judging your marriage by what you witness with other couples in church on Sundays. Yet, much of what you are seeing is like theater –performing in order to measure up to unspoken cultural expectations. You’re only looking at the surface that’s being presented—the frontstage of people’s lives. But what’s most real in life happens backstage—and sometimes, that can naturally get a little difficult and messy. That’s the world you are all too familiar with!
Moreover, our culture places an overwhelming emphasis on the individual self that makes us forget that marriage is about WE and not just about ME. In fact, a healthy Christian marriage involves a profound and divine union of three: yourself, your partner, and God (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Unfortunately, many marriages today are often founded upon superficial factors, such as sexual attraction, the fear of being alone, or even social expectations, instead of a genuine, intimate connection to God and your partner. So when conflict arises, passion fades, or the children leave home, it can create a lot of loneliness, tension, and stress.
However, with our innovative yet proven, faith-based approach to counseling, we can offer you hope and impartial guidance to help you restore your connection to each other. At the same time, we can help you make God a central part of your relationship so that your marriage reflects a dedicated and unwavering covenant with the Lord as well as your spouse.
Marriage Counseling Can Restore Your Love And Trust In Each Other
Counseling provides a safe, non-judgmental space in which you can both talk openly and without fear of criticism or condemnation. There are always two sides to every story, so you can expect to have each of your perceptions, feelings, and concerns validated and addressed in each session with your counselors. We’ll also help you develop a more Godly perspective of your partner that will empower you to overcome challenges and conflict with greater clarity, empathy, and grace for one another.
In all of our sessions, both of our marriage counselors—a highly-skilled husband and wife team—will meet with you and your spouse. Before we meet, we’ll have you each complete a questionnaire called the Arno Profile System (APS). The APS enables us to identify the needs and inborn temperament traits of you and your partner so we can tailor a personalized treatment strategy that takes into account the unique dynamics of each individual.
In our initial session, we’ll work together to get an overview of your marriage, looking at the kinds of issues you are encountering and when any of your marriage trouble first arose. Then, we can explore potential sources of conflict by examining aspects of your family life, personal background, previous relationships, or belief systems that may be contributing to the situation.
Throughout our sessions, you and your spouse will work with us as a team, focusing on building better skills for communicating and validating while learning how to engage in healthy conflict. It is said in Ephesians 5:21, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” To that end, we also want to teach you how to listen to and yield to your spouse and their needs as an act of love for God. Neither of you will be compelled to surrender to the other. We simply want to help you soften your heart so that you can learn to graciously serve your spouse and more fully embody the power of unconditional love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
We offer a progressive, faith-based approach to counseling that is Christ-centered and informed by the truths and wisdom inherent in the Bible. We understand that it can sometimes be hard connecting the dots in scripture to help heal your marriage. But with our doctoral-level training in Marriage and Family Therapy combined with our years of experience in Christian Counseling, we are confident you can overcome even the greatest obstacles to your relationship. With our compassionate guidance, you can restore God’s presence in your marriage, ensuring the health and happiness of you, your family, your future, and your legacy.
Maybe You Are Considering Christian Marriage Counseling But Still Have Some Questions Or Concerns…
Let Us Help You Find Each Other Again
If you would like help in healing your marriage or restoring a Godly connection with your spouse, please call 502 717 5433 to learn more about us and our unique approach to Christ-centered counseling. We would love the opportunity to offer prayer, support, and answers to any questions you may have about our faith-based approach to marriage counseling.
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