Back view of mom and dad walking with young child behind them

A Husband Is A Leader

A biblical husband is a leader, not a master. He is a builder of his family, not a bully. A leader is not a dominating, abusive, bullying, aggressive, angry, diminishing man. Jesus exemplified what Biblical leadership looks like by demonstrating the concept of servant leadership

“But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.”

1 Corinthians 11:3

Proactive, not passive

.Men are to step out and initiate things. Be proactive, don’t be passive. When Adam and Eve committed sin in the garden, God asked Adam, “Where are you?” God did not ask Eve first because God expects men to carry leadership responsibilities (Genesis 3:9).

A disciple who disciples

A man cannot be a good leader if he is not first a good follower of Jesus Christ. You cannot lead your home if you are not led by the Lord. That means that it is every man’s job to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Your manual is the Bible.

Spiritually responsible, not immature

To be a pastor or priest in your home, the first thing it means is to bring your family to church on Sundays. You should make the decision. You can choose to bring your family to church on Sunday – you don’t ask your children what they want to do on Sunday. The second thing the pastor of the home has to do is live out the Christian faith in front of his wife and children. Don’t just bring your family to church but bring faith to your family. Whether it is once a day or a week, establish family devotions. If any of your family members has a problem, they know they can run to the pastor of the house first. When they come to you, call on Jesus Christ before you call on your pastor, group leader, or counselor.

Protector, not perpetrator

God created men to be physically stronger than women so that they can protect their families. God did not give you muscle so you can raise your hand against your wife and children. You are not a bully; you are a builder. You are not a lord; you are a leader. Jesus does not abuse His church, and neither should men abuse their wives (Ephesians 5:25). There is no room in a godly marrriage for dominating, ruling, controlling, or suppressing a daughter of God. As a servant leader, you should serve your spouse and protect your family. Raising your voice is not acceptable in marriage.

God created the male sex for very specific and important roles within humanity and society. No one else can fulfill those God-given responsibilities. So, it comes down to whether we’re in our place or not. With more and more men not stepping up and stepping into our roles, society and the family are suffering more than ever before in history.


Contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more about Marriage Counseling at Life Training.

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