Victory over anxiety

God Cares About Your Anxiety

Even in the moments when fears wrap around you, he is with you (Isaiah 41:10). In the moments when worries barrage your soul and rain down on your hope, he is for you (Romans 8:31). Because you struggle with fear and anxiety, don’t assume God is any less God or that you are any less his. It means you are a human, redeemed by the blood of his Son and being sanctified day by day. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you receive a “get out of fear, trouble, suffering, or worry” card. What it does mean is you have all you need to respond with faith, hope, and trust amidsst life’s struggles. God cares about your anxiety.

The truth is you’re still going to struggle while your soul resides in this human body. The unexpected will come. You will feel the pull to worry about things out of your control. By God’s grace, you’ll become more and more like Jesus, surrendered to God’s plan every single day. Life is a training ground teaching us that we are not in control,. We know who God is and that he loves and cares for us. 

In your struggle against anxiety, remember these truths from the Word that never fails: 

Jesus Knew You Would Struggle With Anxiety 

The Creator of all things spoke directly to the anxieties of the human heart all throughout the Word. He is consistently reminding us and pointing us to trust in him. He would not have told us to cast our cares on him, to seek first the kingdom, and to rejoice always, giving thanks to God as we bring our petitions before the throne, had he not known this would be a battle (Philippians 4:4-7). We have his Word, the sword of the Spirit, that has the power to pierce the soul (Hebrews 4:12). Through knowing God’s Word and believing it, we battle unbelief and fear. Through believing God’s Word, we strike down anxiety’s lies. As you read God’s Word, plant truth where lies ravaged peace. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help. Bring trusted friends into your battle to pray, speak truth, and walk with you in the valley. 

Jesus Fights For You And Has Won The Battle At The Cross

You are not alone in your struggle. Trust me, Satan will do his very best to isolate you, attack you, and insult you. Don’t let him have the final say! You are never alone and never on your own. Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, battled anxiety and depression. One of the most profound Christian teachers struggled in the depths, just like you and I do. One day he would stand in front of the congregation and preach a powerful word from Scripture.

The next day he would sink into the depths of fear. Was he any less of a Christian? No, not at all. He was a man fully aware of his humanity, his fallenness, his struggle in the present moment. He held tightly to the fact that God had given him new life in Christ. Therefore, he didn’t stay in his anxiety and depression. In every high and every low, there was no place God would not go with him, and the same is true for you. 

Go To Battle Under Jesus’ Victory

A day is coming when there will be no more anxiety and no more wrestlings in the soul. There will be no more barrages of “what if” thoughts and worries. We will be forever with Christ (Revelation 21:4). We wrestle not in our own strength, but with the help of God. Allow anxiety to point you to your need for Christ and the hope you have in him.

Anxiety is not your identity, and it is not the end of your story. Cling to Truth and speak God’s Word over your fears. And the next time anxiety comes, remember Christ crucified, risen, and reigning. Go to battle under Jesus’ victory. When your soul is wounded, weary, and weak, you can rest in him. He always brings the sun back out to shine. Surely, he will cause the light of his Word to shine on your heart and blow away the clouds of fear. Never loose sight of the reality that Jesus cares about your anxiety.

Anxiety Can Be Overcome In Christ

Soul health and spiritual maturity cannot be separated.  Our counselors are ordained Christian ministers and certified and licensed Christian counselors.  We are able to help you experience freedom from shameanxietydepression, or marriage issues with methods that are purely Christ-centered.  Please click on this link to learn much more about how our Christian counseling in Louisville, Kentucky can help you become a more authentic follower of Christ, and help you find freedom from identity dependence.

Life Training offers convenient sessions at our office in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as online counseling via Zoom or FaceTime.  Our non-profit counseling practice has had an outstanding track record from over a decade helping men and women, individuals and couples who are ready to move beyond anxietydepression, and conflicts in marriage or other relationships find hope and healing in their lives.  Contact us today at 502-717-5433, or by email at

[Part 2 of my article on this topic. Please click here to be taken to Part 1]

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